Facing the projector, all seven of the Visteon high-back rocking seats are shown sitting 13' feet from the screen. The rear row of seats is on a 13" platform and sits 4 feet back from the front row. Now everyone has a good seat. A year after the seats went in, I added the Bass Shakers! Attached to the seat bottoms, these units are fed power from a second amp which is driven off the sub woofer's LFE signal. They can offer anything from subtle to amazing improvements to movies, depending on how high they are cranked up.
Watching anything from NTSC video, ATSC HDTV broadcasts, playing games or surfing the web, are all a lot more involving than on a standard television or computer monitor. Having a 106" screen really makes everything a lot more fun. HDTV displayed from a D-ILA projector is just as some describe - jaw dropping. The first time I saw it, I laughed out loud at how good it looked - it is literally just like looking out a window depending on how good the source material is.
To the right is a shot of the rear corner under the stairway - this area worked out great to hold the stereo and home theater computer with the DVD collection. We put over 1000' of wiring into this room alone: all in-wall speaker cables, power outlets everywhere, category-5 wire for phone/ethernet, and a lot of RG-6 coax for video runs, subs and antennas. There are four dedicated circuits in the theater - one for the powered speakers including sub, second for all the lighting, third for the projector and the fourth for equipment. The equipment rack, HTPC and my work area area located just in front of the Boltz DVD rack mounted the rear corner wall.
A close-up of the Bass Shakers can be seen to the left. Each seat has one mounted on the seat portion - someday I'll add another set to the seat-backs or add a Butt Kicker to the platform instead. |
Fourteen lights of different types went into the room. Wall sconces for the theater look, and recessed lighting for most everything else. The entire room was drywalled, then acoustic tile was glued to the ceiling and the floor & walls were covered with carpet. The end result gave us a very nice family room 'feel' with the lights on and a dedicated home theater with them off.